Posts tagged climate
10 for 10: Voting Vision not Division | On Climate - Faith and Our Responsibility to the Earth

In this episode, the Faith Commons team discusses how faith traditions call us to care for the planet and address the urgent challenges of climate change. Drawing on Jewish and Christian teachings, they explore how public policy can promote renewable energy, reduce carbon emissions, and protect vulnerable communities already facing the impacts of a changing climate. As Election Day approaches, this conversation challenges us to reimagine our role in environmental stewardship and the concrete steps we can take to safeguard the Earth for future generations.

What is 10 for 10: Voting Vision not Division? Starting on September 2, 2024 and continuing every Monday for ten weeks through November 4, Faith Commons is offering ten 10-minute reflections on topics related to the upcoming election through the lens of religion. Our premise is that religion should be used to unite people and groups of people rather than to divide them, and that the founders of our country shared our view.

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