Posts tagged Immigration
10 for 10: Voting Vision Not Division | On Immigration - Faith at the Border

This episode reflects on immigration through the lens of faith, with the Faith Commons team exploring how religious stories emphasize compassion for migrants. Drawing on biblical narratives and personal experiences, the conversation addresses the realities of an unknown future and the complexities of immigration policy today, urging voters to consider the values of hospitality, justice, and care for the vulnerable as they head to the polls.

What is 10 for 10: Voting Vision not Division? Starting on September 2, 2024 and continuing every Monday for ten weeks through November 4, Faith Commons is offering ten 10-minute reflections on topics related to the upcoming election through the lens of religion. Our premise is that religion should be used to unite people and groups of people rather than to divide them, and that the founders of our country shared our view.

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